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Triggered Effect

Replaces nearby blocks with other blocks

Example Configs

- id: replace_near
radius: 5 # The horizontal radius to replace
radius_y: 5 # The vertical radius to replace
replace_to: obsidian # The block to replace to
duration: 40 # (Optional) The duration to replace for before returning back to the original state
whitelist: # (Optional) A list of blocks to replace
- lava
exposed_only: true # (Optional) If only blocks with air above them should be replaced
source_only: true # (Optional) If only source blocks should be replaced (for liquids)
disable_on_sneak: true # If the effect should not activate while sneaking
...other config (eg triggers, filters, mutators, etc)
- id: replace_near
radius: 5 # The horizontal radius to replace
radius_y: 5 # The vertical radius to replace
replace_to: gold_block # The block to replace to
blacklist: # (Optional) A list of blocks to not replace
- gold_ore
...other config (eg triggers, filters, mutators, etc)