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Item Levels

Item Levels work similarly to item points, but instead of being set directly, they're levelled up by gaining XP.

You can create as many item levels as you want.

How to make an Item Level

Item Levels are each config files placed in the /plugins/libreforge/levels/ folder, and you can add or remove them as you please. There's an example config called _example.yml to help you out!


# There are two ways to specify level XP requirements:
# 1. A formula to calculate for infinite levels
# 2. A list of XP requirements for each level

# Formula
# xp-formula: (2 ^ %level%) * 25
# max-level: 10 (Optional: The max level)

# List
- 50
- 100
- 200
- 400
- 1000
- 2000
- 5000
- 10000
- 17500
- 40000
- 100000
- 250000

# Effects to run when an item levels up
# %level% is the level the item leveled up to.
- id: send_message
message: "&fYou leveled up to &a%level%&f!"
- id: play_sound
sound: entity_player_levelup
volume: 1.0
pitch: 1.5


You can get the value of a point with the following placeholders:

%libreforge_item_points_<type>%: The amount of points

%libreforge_item_xp_<level>%: The current XP

%libreforge_item_level_<level>%: The current level

%libreforge_item_xp_required_<level>%: The XP required to level up

%libreforge_item_progress_<level>%: The current progress towards levelling up, as a percentage

%libreforge_item_data_<key>%: The data value

You can also put _numeral on the end of any placeholder to get the value as a roman numeral.

Example EcoItems item

Assuming you have an item level called example, here's an example EcoItems item that uses item levels:

item: diamond_pickaxe hide_attributes unbreakable efficiency:5 blast_mining:3
display-name: "&eLevellable Pickaxe &8- &6%libreforge_item_level_example_numeral%"
- "&fCurrently on level &a%libreforge_item_level_example%"
- "&fXP: &a%libreforge_item_xp_example%&8/&a%libreforge_item_xp_required_example% &f(&a%libreforge_item_progress_example%%&f)"
craftable: false
recipe: [ ]

slot: mainhand

- id: level_item
id: example
xp: "%v%"
- mine_block

conditions: [ ]