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Custom Placeholders

You can create custom placeholders to reuse mathematical expressions or to have global data shared between plugins.

These are in libreforge's config.yml, and look like this:

- id: "example_placeholder" # The placeholder ID
value: "This is an example placeholder!" # The value of the placeholder

- id: "example_expression_placeholder"
value: "%level% * 2" # Mathematical expressions are fully supported!

- id: "conditional_placeholder"
default: 5 # (Optional) Specify a default value if no conditions are true
- conditions: # Full condition system support!
- id: has_permission
permission: "ecomc.rank.netherite"
value: 20

- conditions:
- id: has_permission
permission: "ecomc.rank.diamond"
value: 10

You can create as many placeholders as you want by adding to the list.

Placeholders can be referenced with %libreforge_<id>%, and are fully supported with PlaceholderAPI.