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Triggered Effect

Runs effects for all entities within an area of effect (aoe)

List of Shapes

coneA cone in front of the location (think sweeping edge)radius The radius of the cone (distance in front)
angle The angle of the cone
circleA circle around the locationradius The radius of the circle
offset_circleA circle around a point in front of the locationradius The radius of the circle
offset The amount of blocks in front
scan_in_frontScan for entities in the direction you're looking, and affect the first ones foundradius The radius of the scan
max_distance The maximum distance to scan
beamA beam in the direction you're lookingradius The radius of the beam
distance The length of the beam
pierce_blocks If the beam should pass through blocks
pierce_entities If the beam should pass through entities

Example Config

- id: aoe
effects: # The effects to run for each entity
- id: damage_victim
damage: 2
true-damage: true
shape: cone # The shape of the AOE area (see above)
radius: 3 # The radius of the cone (see above)
angle: 120 # The angle of the cone (see above)
...other config (eg triggers, filters, mutators, etc)