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Requires a player to have certain enchant(s)

Example Configs

- id: has_enchant
enchant: sharpness # The enchant ID
slot: mainhand # The slot

Multiple enchants and/or slots are supported:

- id: has_enchant
enchants: # All enchants must be present on a single item in the slot(s).
- looting # The enchant ID (enchant / enchant:<level> / enchant:<min-max>)
- knockback:2
- sharpness:1-3
slots: # The enchant must be present in ANY specified slot.
- mainhand
- 6
- helmet
enchantsharpnessAny level of the enchantment will satisfy the condition.
enchant:levelsharpness:1Only the specified enchantment & level will satisfy the condition.
enchant:min-maxsharpness:1-3Only enchant levels in the specified range will satisfy the condition.

The options for slot are mainhand, offhand, hands, helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots, armor, any, or a number from 0-40 (to specify an exact slot).