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How to make a Crate

Default configs

The default configs can be found here.

How to add crates

Each crate is its own config file, placed in the /mobs/ folder, and you can add or remove them as you please. There's an example config called _example.yml to help you out!

The ID of the crate is the file name. This is what you use in commands and in the Item Lookup System. ID's must be lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores only.

Example Crate Config

name: "Demo Crate" # The display name of the crate
roll: csgo # The opening style, check here:
can-reroll: true # If once you win a reward, you can choose to reroll

preview: # The preview GUI, when left-clicking a crate or using /crates preview
title: Demo Crate # The GUI title
rows: 6 # The amount of rows for the gui, between 1 and 6
forwards-arrow: # The arrow for switching between pages. If on the last page, this will not show up.
item: arrow name:"&fNext Page"
row: 6
column: 6
backwards-arrow: # The arrow for switching between pages. If on the first page, this will not show up.
item: arrow name:"&fPrevious Page"
row: 6
column: 4
pages: # All the pages in the preview GUI. You can add as many pages as you want.
- page: 1
mask: # Filler items for decoration
items: # Add as many items as you want
- gray_stained_glass_pane # Item 1
- black_stained_glass_pane # Item 2
- "222222222"
- "211111112"
- "211011112"
- "211110112"
- "211111112"
- "222222222"
rewards: # Where to put rewards in the GUI
- id: diamond_sword # The reward ID
row: 3 # The row
column: 4 # The column
- id: stack_of_emeralds
row: 4
column: 6
- page: 2
mask: # Filler items for decoration
items: # Add as many items as you want
- gray_stained_glass_pane # Item 1
- black_stained_glass_pane # Item 2
- "222222222"
- "211111112"
- "211110112"
- "211011112"
- "211111112"
- "222222222"
rewards: # Where to put rewards in the GUI
- id: bedrock
row: 3
column: 6
- id: 1000_coins
row: 4
column: 4

key: # The physical key to be given to players
item: tripwire_hook unbreaking:1 hide_enchants name:"&aDemo Crate Key" # The item
lore: # Lore for the key to have
- "&fUse this key to open"
- "&fthe <g:#56ab2f>Demo Crate</g:#a8e063>"
use-custom-item: false # Set this to true in order to use a custom item as the key;
# For example making all ecoitems:blue_shards function as keys. This will prevent lore from being applied.

keygui: # Options for showing up in /crate keys
enabled: true # If the crate should be in the key gui
item: tripwire_hook unbreaking:1 hide_enchants name:"Demo Crate" # The item in the gui
lore: # The GUI lore
- "<g:#56ab2f>Demo Crate</g:#a8e063>"
- "&fYou have %keys% keys"
- "&fGet more at &"
row: 2 # The position in the gui
column: 3
right-click-previews: true # If right click opens the preview
left-click-opens: true # If left click open the crate virtually
shift-left-click-messsage: # The messages to send on shift-left-click
- "Buy a Demo Crate key here! &"

pay-to-open: # If people can pay to open if they have no keys
enabled: false # If it should be allowed
price: 5000 # The price to buy the crate

placed: # Options for physically placed crates
random-reward: # The random reward hologram, shows an item
enabled: true # If the random reward should be shown
height: 1.5 # The height above the crate at which to show the reward
delay: 30 # The ticks between showing a new item
name: "&fYou could win:" # The text above the item
particles: # The particle effects around the crate, add as many as you want
- particle: flame #
animation: spiral # spiral, double_spiral, circle, or twirl
hologram: # The text hologram, requires a hologram plugin to be installed
height: 1.5 # The height above the crate
ticks: 200 # The total ticks to cycle all frames
- tick: 0 # The starting tick to show this frame
- "<g:#56ab2f>&lDEMO CRATE</g:#a8e063>"
- "&b&lLeft Click to Preview"
- '&a&lRight click to Open'
- tick: 100
- "<g:#56ab2f>&lDEMO CRATE</g:#a8e063>"
- "&a&lLeft Click to Preview"
- '&b&lRight click to Open'

open: # Effects when opening the crate, before rewards are given - right when the player clicks
messages: # The messages to send the player
- "Good luck!"
broadcasts: # The messages to send to everyone
- "%player%&f is opening the Demo Crate!"
commands: [ ] # Commands to execute, use %player% as a placeholder
sounds: # The sounds to play
- sound: entity_villager_yes #
volume: 10 # Essentially the distance at which the sound should be heard
pitch: 1 # Between 0.5 and 2

finish: # Effects once the crate rewards have been given
messages: # The messages to send the player
- "You won %reward%&f!"
broadcasts: # The messages to send to everyone
- "%player%&f won %reward%&f from the Demo Crate!"
commands: [ ] # Commands to execute, use %player% as a placeholder
fireworks: # The fireworks to launch, add as many as you want
- power: 2 # The duration of the firework, set to 0 for instant explosion
type: ball_large #
colors: # Any hex colors
- 00ffff
- 00ff00
fade-colors: # Any hex colors
- ffffff
- 999999
trail: true
flicker: true
sounds: # The sounds to play, ad ass many as you want
- sound: entity_generic_explode #
volume: 10 # Essentially the distance at which the sound should be heard
pitch: 1 # Between 0.5 and 2

rewards: # The rewards to give, configure in rewards.yml
- diamond_sword
- stack_of_emeralds
- bedrock
- 1000_coin

Understanding all the sections

name: The name of the crate, shown to the player.

roll: The Roll type for this crate

can-reroll: Enable/disable reroll feature for this crate.


title: Demo Crate
rows: 6
item: arrow name:"&fNext Page"
row: 6
column: 6
item: arrow name:"&fPrevious Page"
row: 6
column: 4
- page: 1
- gray_stained_glass_pane
- black_stained_glass_pane
- "222222222"
- "211111112"
- "211011112"
- "211110112"
- "211111112"
- "222222222"
- id: diamond_sword # The reward ID
row: 3
column: 4
- id: stack_of_emeralds
row: 4
column: 6

title: The title of preview GUI.

rows: The amount of rows in the preview GUI (1-6).


To configure a pattern and mask, read here for more info: Pages


Where you set where crate rewards are placed in the preview GUI.

id: The ID of a Reward.

row/column: The location of this item in the crate


item: tripwire_hook unbreaking:1 hide_enchants name:"&aDemo Crate Key"
- "&fUse this key to open"
- "&fthe <g:#56ab2f>Demo Crate</g:#a8e063>"
use-custom-item: false

item: This is the item shown in the GUI, read here for more info: Item Lookup System.

lore: The item lore shown in-game. Set to lore: [] to remove all lore lines.

is-custom-item If the key should be the exact item provided, rather than using it as a base for it's own key item - enable this to have custom items as your keys, for example ecoitems:fuschium_shard would be the key, so all Fuschium Shards would open the crate.


enabled: true
item: tripwire_hook unbreaking:1 hide_enchants name:"Demo Crate"
- "<g:#56ab2f>Demo Crate</g:#a8e063>"
- "&fYou have %keys% keys"
- "&fGet more at &"
row: 2
column: 3
right-click-previews: true
left-click-opens: true
- "Buy a Demo Crate key here! &"

enabled: If the crate should be in /crate keys (true/false).

item: This is the item shown in the GUI, read here for more info: Item Lookup System.

lore: The item lore shown in-game. Set to lore: [] to remove all lore lines.

row/column: The location of this item in the GUI.

right-click-previews: If right click opens up crate preview (true/false).

left-click-opens: If left click should open the crate (true/false).

shift-left-click-message: A message to be sent on shift-left-click.

Pay To Open

enabled: Enable/Disable pay-to-open feature for this crate (true/false).

price: The price to open this crate (works only if enabled: is set to true).


enabled: true
height: 1.5
delay: 30
name: "&fYou could win:"
- particle: flame
animation: spiral
height: 1.5
ticks: 200
- tick: 0
- "<g:#56ab2f>&lDEMO CRATE</g:#a8e063>"
- "&b&lLeft Click to Preview"
- '&a&lRight click to Open'
- tick: 100
- "<g:#56ab2f>&lDEMO CRATE</g:#a8e063>"
- "&a&lLeft Click to Preview"
- '&b&lRight click to Open'


enabled: If a random item shows in the hologram.

height: The height above the crate to show the rewards.

delay: The ticks between changing the displayed item.

name: The text shown above the display item.


particle: The particle, read here for more info: Particles.

animation: The particle animation (spiral, double_spiral, circle, or twirl).


height: The Y offset for the hologram from the crate block.

ticks: The total ticks in the hologram animation.


tick: The starting tick for this frame to be shown.

lines: A list of hologram text lines on this frame.

Opening/Finish opening crate effects config

- "Good luck!"
- "%player%&f is opening the Demo Crate!"
commands: [ ]
- sound: entity_villager_yes
volume: 10
pitch: 1

- "You won %reward%&f!"
- "%player%&f won %reward%&f from the Demo Crate!"
commands: [ ]
- power: 2
type: ball_large
- 00ffff
- 00ff00
- ffffff
- 999999
trail: true
flicker: true
- sound: entity_generic_explode
volume: 10
pitch: 1

messages: A list of messages sent to the player when he starts/finishes opening the crate.

broadcasts: A list of messages sent to the whole server when a player starts/finishes opening the crate.

commands: A list of commands to be executed when a player starts/finishes opening the crate (%player% for a player name)


power: The duration of the firework, set to 0 for instant explosion.

type: The Firework Effect Type.

colors: A list of the firework colors (any HEX color of #ffffff format).

fade-colors: A list of the firework fade colors (any HEX color of #ffffff format).

trail Enable/Disable the trail for this firework (true/false).

flicker Enable/Disable the flicker for this firework (true/false).


sound: The Sound Name.

volume: Essentially the distance at which the sound should be heard.

pitch: The pitch for that sound (between 0.5 and 2).


A list of rewards winnable in the crate.

- diamond_sword

Internal Placeholders

%keys%The amount of virtual keys for this crate the player has.
%reward%The display name of the reward.
%player%The player who won the reward.