How to make a Reforge
Default configs
The default configs can be found here. You can find additional user-created configs on lrcdb.
How to add reforges
Each reforge is its own config file, placed in the /reforges/
folder, and you can add or remove them as you please. There's an example config called _example.yml
to help you out!
The ID of the reforge is the file name. This is what you use in commands and in the Item Lookup System. ID's must be lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores only.
Example Reforge Config
name: "<gradient:#AAFFA9>Dynamic</gradient:#11FFBD>" # The display name for the reforge
description: # The lore to add to an item with this reforge:
- "&a+5% &fDamage"
- "&a+10% &fCrit Damage"
targets: # The targets that this reforge can be applied to
- melee
price: # (Optional) The price required to apply this reforge, overrides the default reforge price
value: 100000
type: coins # See here:
display: "&6$%value%"
# Options for the reforge stone
enabled: true # If this reforge requires the use of a reforge stone
name: "<gradient:#AAFFA9>Dynamic</gradient:#11FFBD>&f Reforge Stone" # The display name of the stone
lore: # The lore of the stone
- "&7Place on the right of the"
- "&7reforge menu to apply the"
- "<gradient:#AAFFA9>Dynamic</gradient:#11FFBD>&7 reforge!"
item: player_head texture:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmM0YTY1YzY4OWIyZDM2NDA5MTAwYTYwYzJhYjhkM2QwYTY3Y2U5NGVlYTNjMWY3YWM5NzRmZDg5MzU2OGI1ZCJ9fX0=
craftable: true # If the reforge stone should be craftable
recipe: # The recipe, read here for more:
- ""
- ecoitems:blank_reforge_stone ? air
- ""
- iron_block
- daylight_sensor
- iron_block
- ""
- phantom_membrane
- ""
# The effects of the reforge (i.e. the functionality)
# See here:
- id: damage_multiplier
multiplier: 1.05
- melee_attack
- id: crit_multiplier
multiplier: 1.1
- melee_attack
# The conditions required to use the reforge
conditions: [ ]
# Effects to run when the reforge is applied to an item.
on-reforge-effects: [ ]
Understanding all the sections
name: The name of the reforge, shown in lore and in the display name
description: The reforge description shown in-game. Set to description: []
to remove all lines.
targets: The items this reforge can be applied to, from targets.yml.
price: The price to apply the reforge, read here for more info: Prices
Reforge Stone
enabled: If a reforge stone is required for this reforge (true/false).
name: The item name in-game.
lore: The item lore shown in-game. Set to lore: []
to remove all lore lines.
item: The base stone item, read here for more: Item Lookup System.
craftable: If the stone should be craftable (true/false).
recipe: The recipe, read here for more info: Crafting Recipes
Effects & Conditions
The effects section is the core functionality of the EcoItem. You can configure effects, conditions, filters, mutators and triggers in this section to run whilst the item is held or used.
Check out Configuring an Effect to understand how to configure this section correctly.
For more advanced users or setups, you can configure chains in this section to string together different effects under one trigger. Check out Configuring an Effect Chain for more info.