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%ecojobs_<id>%Get the level that a player has for any given job
%ecojobs_<id>_name%Get the formatted name (icon and color) of any job
%ecojobs_<id>_active%Get if a player has the job active (true / false)
%ecojobs_<id>_percentage_progress%Shows the percentage progress until the next job level
%ecojobs_<id>_current_xp%Shows the current job XP
%ecojobs_<id>_required_xp%Shows the job XP required for the next job
%ecojobs_<id>_total_players%Shows the total amount of players with this job active
%ecojobs_total_job_level%Shows the level of all jobs combined
%ecojobs_limit%Shows the max amount of jobs a player can join at once
%ecojobs_in_jobs%Shows the amount of jobs a player is currently in
%ecojobs_top_<id>_<position[0-9]>_<name/amount>%Leaderboard placeholder for job level