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How to make a Currency

Default configs

The default configs can be found here.

How to add currencies

EcoBits lets you make as many currencies as you want, and you make each one by adding a new entry to the currencies list. Simply add and remove currencies as you please.

Example Currency Config

- id: crystals # The ID of the currency.
name: "&bCrystals ❖" # The name of the currency.
default: 0 # The default balance.
max: -1 # The maximum balance, set to -1 if no max.
payable: false # If players should be able to use /ecobits pay to pay other players
decimal: true # If decimal amounts are allowed rather than just integer amounts
vault: false # If this currency should be registered with vault
local: false # If this currency should not sync between servers
commands: # A list of commands dedicated to this currency (for easier paying, checking balance, etc)
- crystals
- ecocrystals

Understanding all the sections

id: The ID of the currency. This is what you use in commands, [[prices]] and placeholders. ID's must be lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores only.

name: The name of the currency.

default: The default balance

max: The maximum balance, set to -1 if no max.

payable: If players should be able to use /ecobits pay to pay other players

decimal: If decimal amounts are allowed

vault: If this currency should be registered with Vault

local: If this currency should not sync between servers

commands: A list of commands for this currency (for paying, balance, etc.)

Using EcoBits currencies

You can use your EcoBits anywhere within effects using the Price system. By setting your EcoBits currency as your Vault currency you can use your currency in other plugins too. Other plugins can also interact with EcoBits using the placeholders and commands.