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How to make Mob Categories

What are categories?

In EcoMobs, each mob belongs to a category, which control things like spawning behavior.

For example, you might have a category for common mobs, one for rare mobs, one for nether bosses, etc.

Default configs

The default configs can be found here. You can find additional user-created configs on lrcdb.

How to add categories

Each category is its own config file, placed in the /categories/ folder, and you can add or remove them as you please. There's an example config called _example.yml to help you out!

The ID of the category is the file name. This is what you use when creating a mob. ID's must be lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores only.

Example Category Config

# If the mob is persistent, then it will not despawn naturally.
persistent: false

# Available methods:

# replace
# Uses the vanilla spawning system to spawn the mob, by replacing
# the vanilla mob with the custom mob when it spawns.

# custom
# Uses the EcoMobs spawning system.

# none
# Disables natural spawning

type: custom

# Options for replace spawning
# The vanilla mobs to replace
- zombie
- skeleton

# Options for custom spawning
# Spawn types (choose from land, water)
- land

# Conditions that the location must match in order for the mob to spawn
# Read here:
conditions: [ ]

# The chance for the mob to spawn if a valid spawn point is found (as a percentage)
chance: 1.5

Understanding all the sections

persistent: If the mob should not despawn (True/False).


replaceUses the vanilla spawning system by replacing the vanilla mob. (supports chance: arg)
customUses the EcoMobs spawning system.
noneDisables natural spawning.

type: The spawning method


The vanilla mobs to replace, supports chance args:

- zombie
- skeleton
chance: 100


spawn-types: Where to spawn (land/water).

conditions: Conditions to be met for the mob to spawn, read here for more info: Configuring a Condition.

chance: The chance of the mob spawning once conditions are met.